Starts With YOU

The Friends are helping build the future of the library by supporting it to open doors, open books, and open minds!

We are a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting and enhancing the offerings of the Warminster Township library in various ways. Friends of the library groups support local libraries by fundraising, advocating for library needs, and helping to strengthen the connection between the library and the community.


Friends fund the annual summer reading program dedicated to enhancing literacy in students. Friends has also purchased new furnishing for the library and renovated the outdoor garden.


Friends sponsor multiple events throughout the year for community engagement including crafts, speakers, improv shows, and our annual family bash!


Friends is a great way to meet a group of service focused individuals who care about literacy and community. We’re always looking for new friends to join!

Our Organization

Did you know the Friends fund a majority of the libraries enrichment programs and events? Want to get involved?

Donate to Friends

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself. Friends is a 501(c)3 organization so your donations are tax deductible!